He's Tan! He's Rested! Kerry in '04!
So I'm flipping channels last night and catch a picture of Kerry on the News. The guy has a tan like an Oompa Loompa.
I point this out to my teenage daughter who says, "Tan in a bottle. It's to dark, to even and to orange to be natural."
I scoffed at the idea but not because I know anything about chemical tans but because I didn't think Kerry would be so dumb as to dye himself. The potential blow-back would be enormous were it ever discovered. The mocking would never end.
Then I remember that I had initially dismissed the idea that the CBS Memos were crude forgeries because I reasoned that CBS and Dan Rather would not be that incompetent. Whoops.
Today The Drudge report has a story that the tan appeared suddenly before Kerry arrived in Michigan. He also has a neat before and after collage image.
It is said you can't grow broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people. I am beginning to think that you cannot go wrong underestimating the arrogance and poor judgment of our institutional elites.
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